Funny Wednesday

So. I´m not going only to blog about things. Yes of course i am going to tell some motivating Stories from my life. That you shouldn`t give up and this kind of Stuff. I love to read stories like this too. But i am going to show you things which made me smile. For a moment… for a minute… for a second. To be happy person is a very important thing in our lives… so here it goes!

Number One. Not because it´s the best. It´s because i saw it first 🙂

I have accent too! A lot of people ask me if i am French because i can´t spell the letter “R” right 🙂 Well this video is more funny because of the laught than the accent 😀 But the acting is great!

Number Two


Good ol´ Flappy Bird. Well i heard about it a week ago but the viral thing about the game went craze. Everyone wanted to play this game because it made people angry. Well… it´s seems people like hard games. Check Dark Souls if you want a challange.

Number Three

I can´t stop laughing. This game… this soundtrack… It´s insane. I have no idea who invented the game. And where the idea came from. Really. Someone must have kind of crazy imagination.

Number Four



Belive. Do you see me in 2011? Do you see me now? Just stay motivated. Stay focused. Stay fit. Exercise four times a week. And don´t forget about legs!

Number Five



Awww. This is co cute! Pandas love balls. Seems like she liked it to much :3

And here it goes… the Kangaroo!



Well it seems that the game is over…