Warning: Danger!

I am totally not this kind of person.

I don’t like to fight. You got a problem? Let’s face it and find a solution. Mostly i have conflict with my parents. Who doesn’t have them?  Sometimes the fight is about stupid things. Why did you took money from my pocket? Why didn’t you asked me? Is there a problem with it? And let’s be honest. I wasn’t the one who took the money.

There have been many diffrent situations. Mostly in my teenager life. Why do you come so late? Why didint you make your bed? Well, i was a good kid. But even in the best families there are conflicts.

We are having fight with our friends too. Why? Because we care. That’s the main problem.

Short post, because i have short fights.


Keep you in the dark

I am totally a night owl. I love sleeping. But i do it mostly on daylight. My neighbours sometimes ask me: “I saw a light in your window at 5 in the morning. Did you forget to turn it off?”. Mostly i say “yes”. But it’s a lie. I love night. Because of the atmosphere. Lighting bulb in the corner and me inside books, drawing, writing, lurking the internet.

When i was 12 years old i had a problem. It was 3 am, pretty hot outside and i couln’t sleep. I was twisting in my bed since midnight. It was like a nightmare. But i wasn’t really sleeping. Somehow at 5 am they started to put cartoons again and i falled asleep.

I had those problems all the time. It was mostly when i had vacation, no school, no job. I wasnt exhausted. When your body has power, you can’t sleep. I could do everything. Paint my room at 4 am, change the furniture position, clean my house.

I sleep a lot. 8 hours is minimum. Sometimes i hit 10. But when the school starts… 5 hours. Because i need to get up early and get to the train.

Night is boring. Really. Everybody sleeps. You feel like you are the only one living in the world. If you go outside you see nobody.

Funny thing: The lighting from my room is the only light on the streets. I think my nighbours got used to it. But there are cons too. I got tommorow a dentist visit at 9 am. I don’t know how i get up so early. I guess it’s gonna be a nightmare.

Better Everyday!


But in the end, all we are, is just dust in the wind

Those aren’t the exactly word lyrics, but it is so. In the end we are just dust in the wind, and we are only remembered by our friends throught situations in our lives.

But Hey! We are alive! Let’s do things! I am Young. Forever Young. This Way sang Marian Gold from Alphaville.

I feel young! But i don’t have much time… Because the time is running fast.  What are my goals?

I know. We don’t like to share with our thoughts. The deepest dreams are closed in our hearts. We don’t like to share with them. I have one big dream, and plenty of others with which i one to share with you!

I want to be an artist. I can’t force myself to draw more. Just can’t. I feel like i have no progression in it. I try to draw everyday, but i get bored pretty fast.

I want to make movies. And i keep doing them! At the moment i am using my phone… it’s not much but it’s a good start.

I want to make computer games! I can’t really programm. I don’t know any programming language. Well except little C++, Java, C#. (Hey! Book! Programming for dummies! I am looking on you!).

I want to write poems!

I want to write books!

I want to help people!

I want to be a journalist!

So much to do, so little time! Let’s start now! Because everyday we are better people.

I want to be a better person everyday!

That´s true. Who doesn´t? I get more experience, skills, new data. I get as much i can from the internet. I read books, newspaper, online sites. But how to find the good way?

I am lazy person. I have been bad person before. I mean not that bad. But i had problems with motivation, I couldn´t end some things. I didnt think before posting something in internet. All i made was bad. It´s still is… One day i am going to be ashamed of my posts. That they were bad quality. I made a page back in the 2008. It was deleted. I don´´t know why. But i could with the web archive find those posts, news, arcticles… They were bad. Really bad. I made in 2011 a website about learning guitar. It was better, but when i read it today i want to delete it all and write again. We as human evolve every day. That´s a beautiful thing. We gather information and share it with the world. Some of us are better experienced and want to teach. Some want to learn. But often it is so that later from student we become teacher. And this way the world goes on.

With the new technology we have more ways to learn. We get better methods. We can share it with everyone and be a sharer too!

Listen, Learn and Share!

The Sound of Silence

Everybody knows the Song! I can even play it on guitar and know the vocal notes. But that´s not what about i wanna write about. I love music. I can´t live without it… but there are days when i want to hear nothing. I just want to hear silence. I know a lot of tracks. I know a lot of songs on guitar, but sometimes it is just boring. I love when i discover a new artist. I know old bands. I know new ones. But is something popular, good? Mostly, yes. They have good production. A lot of people working on the Promotion, Live Gigs, new Albums. Music teachers! Music designers, people who write texts. It´s not the same music as before. There are little bands too! They write their songs, say whats on their mind. Create music! Everything is ok. I love to discover them. It´s something fresh.

What was my biggest discover? Danger Mouse! If you like Jack White and Norah Jones you gonna love the “Rome” album!

So… i got a lot of playlist on Spotify. Tons of it. But i don´t like them! I heard all like 10 times! I know… 30 years ago you had  5 CD with music and you listened to them all the time. Guess what! I got these albums too, but i got bored of them. I am listening to music since i am kid. I started to listening to everything in 2009.I started to love music. Every aspect of it. I started to play guitar. Two years later i started to sing. I created bands. I met people. It was a “new” me. I started to be more social. And i liked it!

I got problems with sharing music. I feel all the time like i am not good enought. That my music isn´t mastered. I share some work at YT, but sometimes i am ashame of it. I dream to create tracks like in studio. Well… i need stuff for it. I am collecting my equpiment now. I got little more money now, so one day… i hope i create a little homestudio 🙂

And there will never be silence.

Pokemon Online

Like Real Online Pokemon with 40k players playing in the same time!


The only problem is… there is only one character 🙂

That game idea was great! Really. Connecting the game chat with the keys isn´t that hard.

What were the most player problems?

Route 9:#


What is going to be players problem?


I hope they gonna make it!


Do we need money?

Well. Yes!

How we know something is expensive? We need to see the difference first. There are no expensive goods if there aren´t cheap ones. I am always wondering, why are people running for money? It´s important to live. Yes! I know it! And if we have much we want always more. More money. More goods. More houses. But people are forgetting. It doesn´t matter what you got. What does matter is what you know. If you are a smart guy you can get money faster.

What does it mean someone is smart?

To be smart you need to read a lot of books first. Books. I love books! How can i describe a person? I just need to look on the bookshelf. What does this kind of person likes to read? Well… if he\she doesn´t read anything, or have never read a book in his\her life, than probably the person can´t talk very well. Bookaholics are great People! It´s interesting to speak with them. They have always a topic. Well… in books are a lot of dialogues. That can help in developing a conversation flow. Books are great! They open new Worlds. You meet new People! And you don´t even have to leave the House 🙂

If you are a Wise Guy you can get a good paid Job. It´s simple. Master in something. Read a lot of books. Like math books. Don´t like math? Read Fantasy books and start to draw. A lot of Fantasy Freaks have great imagination. That can help in simple life. Everything you do has a mirrored picture in your life.  Everything you do creates a new you!

What about money? Money doesn´t matter! Do what you like and be happy with it. Money comes. Not now. Not tommorow. But one day…

Vale… not!

I know that it´s today. The day of all lovers. And guess what? I´m happy! I am enjoying their happines. I know that one day i am going to be happy too, so why destroy their happy moment? It´s a very boring topic anyway. I am not going to talk about it. There are better topics than Valentines.

Dreams! Everybody has them. I want to share my art with others. I´m a bad artist at the moment. Well… i can play guitar. I think i am good with it. I am playing 5 years already. Everyday. It was the first thing with which i started and i enjoyed from the beginning. I love music. I love to create something. I developed a very good “ear”. Yeah! Everyone can make music. I rememeber that i couldnt play and i was very bad at it. But i didin´t gave up and i am happy with it. I experienced every moment of it and shaped the “thing”.

What is the “thing”? It´s something that you get if you are very good at something and can share with other people. You know that you spend a lot of time mastering in “this” skill and you know that you can be good at everything. The only thing you need to do is to practice. As much as you can. Everyday. At least one hour a day.

I am not going to give up with guitar. But i am thinking of starting digitial drawing or programming. I did it before. I know C++, little Java and little C# but i was more focused on music than those skills. I drawed before. I made animations, drawed characters (mostly). But i didn´t gave all myself for it. I started with music. I was focused mostly on it. And i did it! I mastered this skill. I can play more, but the problem is… i can´t find a band. There are people who play guitar, drums, bass, but they are beginners. They don`t have the factor X. They don´t give full heart for it. They just want to be famous, get girls, get money. Well… music is not that about.

Movies in 2014


Let´s start with something Hard. Like really hard. Well, movies aren´t that blasphemous as before. Well we, as vierwers don´t take them like our Parents. Those standards changed. Some scenes doesn´t offend us anymore. It´s just a movie, it´s just Music. We are diffrent. Diffrent as People. And our kids are going to be diffrent too.


Delivery Man

Second Movie. Something which is good to see, just because you like sometime to watch a “soft movie”. Well this trailer made me curious. This amount of kids? Really? Well seems like we have a Problem here! 🙂


August Osage County

Family Movie. Something for a lazy sunday afternoon. Well i don´t like this kind of films, but the cast is great! Meryl Streep? Julia Roberts? Well i think i am going to watch that movie. Not because i am interested, not because of plot, just to see old movie divas.



There is no cast. Almost no cast. There is one man. One man who tells the whole story. A story of a lonely man who is in love with… a Computer. That´s are this kind of movies which i can watch all the time. Where one person is doing everything. You can almost feel like this person. Of course there are other actors. Like two or three, but that´s it. I need to see this because i would like to know how the story ends 🙂

Funny Wednesday

So. I´m not going only to blog about things. Yes of course i am going to tell some motivating Stories from my life. That you shouldn`t give up and this kind of Stuff. I love to read stories like this too. But i am going to show you things which made me smile. For a moment… for a minute… for a second. To be happy person is a very important thing in our lives… so here it goes!

Number One. Not because it´s the best. It´s because i saw it first 🙂

I have accent too! A lot of people ask me if i am French because i can´t spell the letter “R” right 🙂 Well this video is more funny because of the laught than the accent 😀 But the acting is great!

Number Two


Good ol´ Flappy Bird. Well i heard about it a week ago but the viral thing about the game went craze. Everyone wanted to play this game because it made people angry. Well… it´s seems people like hard games. Check Dark Souls if you want a challange.

Number Three

I can´t stop laughing. This game… this soundtrack… It´s insane. I have no idea who invented the game. And where the idea came from. Really. Someone must have kind of crazy imagination.

Number Four



Belive. Do you see me in 2011? Do you see me now? Just stay motivated. Stay focused. Stay fit. Exercise four times a week. And don´t forget about legs!

Number Five



Awww. This is co cute! Pandas love balls. Seems like she liked it to much :3

And here it goes… the Kangaroo!



Well it seems that the game is over…